Surreal Fantasies of Emil Kubiš

Film Auditorium
09.12.2017 | 22:30

The series of experimental films from Emil Kubiš shows one of the changes in so-called amateur cinematography in the underground scene, where a personal fascination with analogue is in contrast to the fashionable fascination with video. The 8mm photographs, shot under amateur production conditions, are rightfully the “immersive river of cinema”.

PAF — Přehlídka filmové animace a současného umění  |  |  |  +420 732 475 173
PAF, z.s.  |  Wurmova 7, 779 00 Olomouc  |  IČO: 266 10 892  |  DIČ: CZ266 10 892

Aktivity PAFu v roce 2017 podpořili: Ministerstvo kultury České republiky, Státní fond kinematografie, Statutární město Olomouc, Olomoucký kraj a International Visegrad Fund.
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